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A New Definition for Bravery


"The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." - Nelson Mandela

As kids, we have to try new things all the time. New classes, new skills, new friends, new sports. They are constantly learning and failing and trying again.


As adults, we are able to play it safe more often. We don't have to go to new places or try new things and our courage muscle gets atrophied. It is easier to avoid the feeling of discomfort that comes with unfamiliar situations or difficult new things.


We see acts of bravery in adults all the time. We see people near and far running for office. That is a very public risk and is so commendable. We see people taking new jobs or maybe taking a new class. That first day is always so scary. We are always impressed by people who do brave things, but so often we shy away from the opportunity to be brave ourselves.


It is very tempting to use our past experiences to inform us of what we can or cannot do. Our brains like proof of concept, confirmation of safety and experience, and an overall comfort level before engaging in any action. If we haven't done it before, we don't think of it as an option of something we should try. New things are scary.


But to truly grow and become the best version of ourselves, we can't look backward to decide where we want to go next. We need to step into the unknown and do something different and that requires courage. Nelson Mandela's quote teaches us that bravery is not the absence of fear. To be brave we need to feel the fear, and then do the thing anyway.


I challenge you this week to try something new. It doesn't have to be some grand action like giving a speech to thousands or jumping out of an airplane, but maybe you do something that makes you slightly uncomfortable.


Maybe you head to the nearest pickleball court and give it a shot?

Maybe you call up someone new and invite them to coffee?

Maybe you sign up for that local exercise class you've been curious about and give it a try (hint hint)?


Whatever makes you feel a few butterflies, just do it. What's the worst that could happen? And more importantly, what's the best that could? On the other side of your fear, is the possibility of your dreams coming true.

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