"In a world where you can be anything, be kind." - Clare Pooley |
Life is busy. There is too much to do so we are stressed and perpetually in a state of overwhelm and hurry. In this quest to go as quickly as possible we get frustrated with fellow drivers, checkout lines are exasperating and too often we are short-tempered with our loved ones.
This simple but lovely quote is such a nice reminder of the gift we can give to each other that costs us absolutely nothing: KINDNESS. A simple compliment or a friendly hello creates a connection and a sense of value that every human desires.
In a world that feels heavy, we each need to be the light for each other. As each of us feels stressed it gets harder to remember to care for each other, but that's exactly what we all need right now. Showing kindness to others has an exponential impact related to the amount of effort it takes.
Further, we need to remember to be kind to ourselves. It is so easy to focus on our mistakes and imperfections, but the truth is you are doing a lot right. When we focus on all that we are doing right we get energized to keep heading in that direction. Celebrate your wins, love the beautiful life you built for yourself, be gentle with self-judgment, and most of all give yourself grace.
So, as we head into this fresh new week with possibly heavy hearts for the world or overwhelmed minds or weary bodies, remember that you always have a choice of where you focus your thoughts and energy.
You can be the light with your kindness.
You can give yourself the love you deserve.
You can remember this quote and think of ways you can be kind to both yourself and others.